30 October 2013

Electric vs. Hybrid

Hybrid vs Electric Car

With the never ending increase in fuel prices, the amount of harmful emissions that are produced by vehicles around the world, and more stringent emission regulations being created, the demand for alternative fuel powered vehicles is on the rise.

The question now for the average customer: Electric or Hybrid? Both have interesting merits and limitations and we will be discussing them here on Stain on Paper.

Electric Vehicles

Tesla Motors Inc.
The current poster child for electric vehicles (EV) is Paypal founder, Elon Musk

Elon Musk

 (Yes, that is his name) and his electric car company, Tesla Motor Incorporated. Their crown jewel, the Tesla S is what all EVs want to be when they grow up.

The Tesla S has a driving range of 464 kilometers before it has to be recharged. Despite its 3M PHp  retail price, twenty thousand units of the Tesla S have been sold in one year putting to shame General Motors’ Chevrolet Volt EV and the Nissan Leaf EV.  And in the looks department, the Tesla S makes the other EVs look like soccer-mom vans. (Side note: the first person in the Philippines to own a Tesla S as a gift? none other than current Meralco chairman, MVP)
Meralco Car

Not to be outdone, other car companies like Nissan-Renault, Volkswagen, and GM are stepping up to the challenge of a mass produced EV. Carlos Ghosn, Nissan-Renault CEO, promised that Nissan would bring affordable autonomous cars to the public by 2020. 

The Pros of EV

The advantages of EVs aside from their complete independence from fossil fuel (yay! For mother Earth!) is because of the torque that's instantly available when you push the accelerator. Steve Wickham, the project manager for Toyota's EV effort at Pikes Peak International Hill Climb, agrees: "With current technology, the main advantage for an electric supercar would be in initial acceleration for launch and corner exit… not having to change gears." EVs have some performance advantages in the packaging of components, too, he says. "These include aero[dynamics] and also a lower center of gravity. Electric motors can be long and thin, keeping the mass down, and batteries can be kept very low with clever design such as Tesla has shown in the Model S."

The Cons of EV: Low Energy Density and High Manufacturing Cost
The current challenges faced by all these car companies are found in the battery. Low energy density (amount of energy stored per volume of battery) 

Energy comparison

keeps the range of EVs lower than those normally achieved by petroleum aided vehicles. The low energy density means that a huge amount of the EVs total weight is attributed to the huge amount of batteries installed thus affecting its performance, efficiency and range. Another limit is the price tag of EVs due to the high cost of manufacturing these batteries. The amount of time to charge these batteries is also a factor to weigh in. Final thing to consider: the lack of infrastructure to support the EVs such as charging stations.

Hybrid Vehicles



The main proponent of hybrids is Toyota and their Prius. The world’s largest automaker has declared that it is sticking to hybrids and fuel cell vehicles for the car of the future. In Washington last Sept. 30, Toyota chair Takeshi Uchiyamada said the reason why Toyota doesn't introduce any major all-electric vehicle is “because we do not believe there is a market to accept it.”  He added: “Some people say hybrid vehicles such as the Prius are only a bridge to the future.  But we think it could be a long bridge and a very sturdy one.  There are many more gains we can achieve with hybrids.  The Prius has become the most important vehicle for our future.”

The Pros of Hybrids

Hybrid vehicles solve the range problem that plagues their EV counterparts. These Hybrids focus more on efficiency in energy usage. By offering the best of both worlds: range capability of engines and the torque possible in electric motors, hybrids are the love child of a match made in heaven.

According to phys.org:
“Another benefit of having the gas motor is it charges the batteries while it’s running. The gas motors starts automatically when the battery gets low and proceeds to charge the battery - a hybrid never needs to be plugged into an outlet. Of course, if you forget to fill the tank…. Still, you can carry a gas can a half mile while a tow truck is necessary in a straight electric car.”

Right now they’re way cheaper than EVs. So as an owner you would be happy that you’re making the environment better without having your wallet to suffer.

The Cons

Higher maintenance costs. Hybrid vehicles also cost more to repair because of the complexity of the dual compulsion system used in most hybrid vehicles. Not all mechanics are trained or equipped to work on hybrid vehicles and repair bills will be larger than with standard ICE vehicles. Also, because of the increased weight of hybrid vehicles, you can expect to replace tires and brakes more frequently as well.

Well Stainers! Hope this helps inform you about EVs and Hybrids.


25 October 2013

Election Engineering

“We would make sure you win your election guaranteed”

Local barangay elections is just around the corner, and this week stain on paper would like to focus on the engineering behind waging (and winning) an election. We first assess and simplify each step of the election process and then secondly, give solid recommendations on how to win an election and finally some Dirty tactics to make sure that you win.


Elections are part and parcel of each and every human society. From the Stone Age cavemen, to the UN, people would always elect for a leader to guide them to a better path.

NooB's guide to an election

Part 1 : NooB’s guide to an election.

Elections are a lot like you r typical bedtime story and those games we used to play as a kid. And it should stay that way! Stain on Paper would like to present a 3 fold approach to winning an election.


- The most important step. All of the stories and Games all have this in common with elections. Having a noble cause, people would rally behind you. Make yourself the protagonist with your platforms, promising a happy ever after. Create an epic story, the more dramatic the better. Make your opponent the villain, and in order to defeat an existing evil, people would need to help you. BOTTOMLINE: Make yourself the hero!

good and evil

2.) CREATE YOUR ARMY and rally them

- FRODO didn’t finish of the evil ring by himself, he needed a team and so do you! Create an army of volunteers, promoters and campaign managers. Rally each one of them using games and fancy wordings. Name your door to door campaigners as your “STORM TROOPERS” give them targets to “kill”. Promote them based on their achievements. Make your campaign one big video game. BOTTOMLINE : Make everyone have fun.

create your army

3.) Convert voters and enemies into allies and friends.

- Again with the same approach as the top, make your voters part of the epic story as your “KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE” fighting against evil. Make them write their pledge for a happy ending. Or share their election experience with them. BOTTOMLINE : Get your voters talking about you and your platform

Part 2: Practical and Simple TIPS

a.) Find an influential “SPONSOR” to nominate you to the existing parties. This would help you a lot since you start out with a party not by yourself.

· Key steps to this stage would be choosing the right team. Not only that, join the party whose ideals are in line with you. 

Party time

There are 3 kinds of voters.
  1. Vote FOR you – best kind of voters, minimal campaigning
  2. Vote AGAINST you – hardest to win over, you can skip this
  3. SWING voters – undecided still. This are the people you should target

b.) SHOW up in all the party meetings. Volunteer in the various campaign activities. This would show your party mates your abilities. And they will talk about you to their constituents as well

c.) All campaigns need funds. It would be best to pool the entire party’s funds into one war chest. Then use this in one the following cost effective ways


Cost Effective Campaign Tactics

1.) Differentiate yourself, use a catchy slogan

2.) Use emails and phone calls and ASK for votes. Prepare a speech, make it relevant to the voters. These are best carried out 1-2 weeks before the election for maximum impact

3.) Never underestimate the power of the internet and text messages. Make a facebook page, and mass text to people. Philippines is the texting capital of the world

4.) Attend all the public gatherings and volunteer a speech or two.

Part 3 : Warning ... DIRTY TACTICS.

blind voting
“blind” voting

1.) FIND and utilize PROMOTERS –inocuous people who would get people to vote for you. In the Philippines case – this are the elevator girls, reception guards, maintenance people. They interact with all people all the time.

2.) FIND and utilize REGISTRANTS – people who have a lot of cousins / sons / siblings in other district. Tell them to register under your barangay. – prime examples are your neighbors with 11 children.

3.) FIND and utilize WATCHERS – people who would stand at the polls come election day and hand out flyers to those who haven’t made up their mind.

Befriend the security guards
Befriend the security guards


References :


03 October 2013

To the World’s Most Beautiful

The World's Most Prettiest

Here in Stain on Paper, we appreciate fine beauty as we appreciate fine engineering. This is a special tribute article to the world’s prettiest – Megan Lynne Young. This would not be an analytical article, but one that a fan boy writes for his ultimate dream girl.

And a cheesy one at that!

Megan Young is one of those rare gems in our modern world today. She’s the personification of all the values of both east and west. She’s born from an American Dad and a Filipino Mom. Thus, she possess all nice physical features in such a union –high cheekbones, perfectly pouting lips and that killer smile. She is both the new and old. Outgoing yet conservative. Risque yet delicadeza. Intelligent and interesting.  And perhaps the best trait of us Filipinos – the INDOMITABLE Spirit ( never say die attitude )

Pretty Miss World

  • First showbiz break was starstruck
  • Miss World 2013

  • Birthplace Alexandria, Virginia and moved to Olongapo City at age 10. 
  • Graduated from Trinity University for Highschool and De La Salle – College of Benilde for college

Direct Attack to Megan herself

  • YOU GO GIRL!!! Bashers are a sign that you have “MADE (not maid definitely )” it!! Enjoy your bashers. Don’t be affected and remember that in the world’s eyes, you are definitely the prettiest!!

An attack to the Philippines

  • As was stated above, this surely is a testament to the rapid growth of the Philippines. I’m sure the world is aware that a big contributing factor to the growth of the Philippines is our OFW labor force. Our growth is 2nd in Asia at that! Plus it can be argued that, Philippines has both the most beautiful people and places.

An attack to the job of maids.

  • Yet another pitiful attack. Maids are the backbones of most families abroad. They sacrifice a lot to help others. As we coin them our “MODERN DAY HEROES”, this crazy netizen degrades them. Long live our Maids!! Nothing to be ashamed, it is a decent job that everyone must be proud of. 

Megan started out as showbiz personality back in 2005, from StarStruck but thru her perseverance, became quite known in the entertainment circle. And this year, 2013, she made a big gamble for Miss World Philippines and as destiny would have it, eventually won Miss World 2013. 

And just as we thought things can’t go any better, out comes this.

This post is saddening. It has been posted by “Devina DeDiva” allegedly living in Singapore and studied at Manchester University. It has 3 main parts that attack 3 different groups. We know that it's useless but we feel the need to express our sentiments to this attack.

Obviously this poster is a hoax. Devina DeDiva doesn’t sound true, its merely a play on words. Devina DeDiva is what we call “the GARBAGE TRUCK”. She comes and dumps garbage on others. She’s full of foulness and want to spread this. In our world, we see “GARBAGE TRUCKS” everywhere, it will be our duty to avoid them and understand that as long as we keep ourself clean, their dirt will be of no effect to us. 

As we end this, we would like to dedicate a distinctly Filipino song for Ms. World 2013

Mabuti pa sa lotto..
May pag-asang manalo...
Di tulad sayo..imposible...
Prinsesa ka..ako'y dukha
Sa TV lang naman kasi may mangyayari
At kahit mahal kita...wala akong magagawa
Tanggap ko to
aking sinta..
Pangarap lang kita...

Parokya Ni Edgar - Pangarap Lang Kita Lyrics