25 October 2013

Election Engineering

“We would make sure you win your election guaranteed”

Local barangay elections is just around the corner, and this week stain on paper would like to focus on the engineering behind waging (and winning) an election. We first assess and simplify each step of the election process and then secondly, give solid recommendations on how to win an election and finally some Dirty tactics to make sure that you win.


Elections are part and parcel of each and every human society. From the Stone Age cavemen, to the UN, people would always elect for a leader to guide them to a better path.

NooB's guide to an election

Part 1 : NooB’s guide to an election.

Elections are a lot like you r typical bedtime story and those games we used to play as a kid. And it should stay that way! Stain on Paper would like to present a 3 fold approach to winning an election.


- The most important step. All of the stories and Games all have this in common with elections. Having a noble cause, people would rally behind you. Make yourself the protagonist with your platforms, promising a happy ever after. Create an epic story, the more dramatic the better. Make your opponent the villain, and in order to defeat an existing evil, people would need to help you. BOTTOMLINE: Make yourself the hero!

good and evil

2.) CREATE YOUR ARMY and rally them

- FRODO didn’t finish of the evil ring by himself, he needed a team and so do you! Create an army of volunteers, promoters and campaign managers. Rally each one of them using games and fancy wordings. Name your door to door campaigners as your “STORM TROOPERS” give them targets to “kill”. Promote them based on their achievements. Make your campaign one big video game. BOTTOMLINE : Make everyone have fun.

create your army

3.) Convert voters and enemies into allies and friends.

- Again with the same approach as the top, make your voters part of the epic story as your “KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE” fighting against evil. Make them write their pledge for a happy ending. Or share their election experience with them. BOTTOMLINE : Get your voters talking about you and your platform

Part 2: Practical and Simple TIPS

a.) Find an influential “SPONSOR” to nominate you to the existing parties. This would help you a lot since you start out with a party not by yourself.

· Key steps to this stage would be choosing the right team. Not only that, join the party whose ideals are in line with you. 

Party time

There are 3 kinds of voters.
  1. Vote FOR you – best kind of voters, minimal campaigning
  2. Vote AGAINST you – hardest to win over, you can skip this
  3. SWING voters – undecided still. This are the people you should target

b.) SHOW up in all the party meetings. Volunteer in the various campaign activities. This would show your party mates your abilities. And they will talk about you to their constituents as well

c.) All campaigns need funds. It would be best to pool the entire party’s funds into one war chest. Then use this in one the following cost effective ways


Cost Effective Campaign Tactics

1.) Differentiate yourself, use a catchy slogan

2.) Use emails and phone calls and ASK for votes. Prepare a speech, make it relevant to the voters. These are best carried out 1-2 weeks before the election for maximum impact

3.) Never underestimate the power of the internet and text messages. Make a facebook page, and mass text to people. Philippines is the texting capital of the world

4.) Attend all the public gatherings and volunteer a speech or two.

Part 3 : Warning ... DIRTY TACTICS.

blind voting
“blind” voting

1.) FIND and utilize PROMOTERS –inocuous people who would get people to vote for you. In the Philippines case – this are the elevator girls, reception guards, maintenance people. They interact with all people all the time.

2.) FIND and utilize REGISTRANTS – people who have a lot of cousins / sons / siblings in other district. Tell them to register under your barangay. – prime examples are your neighbors with 11 children.

3.) FIND and utilize WATCHERS – people who would stand at the polls come election day and hand out flyers to those who haven’t made up their mind.

Befriend the security guards
Befriend the security guards


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